Coclite / De Mattia
Horizontal towers
Hyper-visibility, crumbling towers, the horizon line being moved elsewhere. Coclite and De Mattia focus on what we see. To see and to be seen from a tower that has lost its defensive function, from where nothing can be seen. To see and to be seen through the web. Seeing, controlling. Being seen and controlled. And this, for Coclite. De Mattia has an impact on the horizon that is completely retraced. During a documented performance, on a net that does not hide but dissimulates, the horizon is framed and moved to the place of the exhibition.
In this displacement, the authors reason on what happens to the way we perceive a place, to the identity we grasp when what we see is mediated, filtered. Some scientific terms such as aberration and distortion are used to indicate what can naturally happen to our vision, and reveal the contradictions of the places we see, of the territories we explore, marking even more the inevitable fragmentation of our vision -the crumbling towers- because we are flooded by an endless and nonsensical flow of images. A flow that ironically impairs our vision, making it lose all of its meaning, just like
This venue is connected to the previous venue and the subsequent venue. It houses works by Lucia Veronesi (Polignano a Mare) and Elena Bellantoni (Tricase Porto)
Work in progress
Luca Coclite
Luca Coclite (Gagliano del Capo, 1981) participates in several artistic residency programs. He has been awarded an NCTM and Art scholarship to develop a research project at Experimental Intermedia in New York. He focuses on the contemporary image related to landscape and architecture. His works have been exhibited in Rome and Bologna and he has collaborated to several artistic and curatorial projects – Ramdom and Casa a mare – and founded studioconcreto with Laura Perrone.
Giuseppe De Mattia
Giuseppe De Mattia (Bari, 1980) lives and works in Bologna where he collaborates with Home Movies, the Archivio nazionale dei film di famiglia and the Cineteca. He has worked alone or in collectives – Coclite/De Mattia, Casa a Mare (with Coclite and Claudio Musso). He focuses on the relationship between memory and the contemporary world using the languages of photography, video and sound. In his latest works he makes use of drawing and painting. In 2015 he put in place his publishing project “Libri Tasso” that is still in operation.