Lucia Veronesi
The sea has happened
For a sentinel on the shore, it’s like the sea isn’t there. His gaze seems to wipe out the landscape. Whoever looks at the sea for watching purposes is looking for only one thing: a threat, the danger of being attacked, the approach of the enemy. A sentinel’s gaze is like a veil that covers the landscape: against the real sea backdrop his assumptions, his moods, anxiety, need to check and send a warning, always seem to prevail.
If the horizon stays calm, nothing has happened for the sentinel. But actually “
The fabrics used by Lucia Veronesi, superimposed and sewn together, symbolically and physically veil the sight of the sea. They superimpose on the sight of the sea with another sight made of the inner landscapes, desires and narrative devices of the observer.
Each of us is a sentinel, and to all of us “the sea has happened”: that sea we cannot see even if we have it before us, because we are too busy looking for something else.
This venue is connected to the previous venue and the subsequent venue. It houses works by Pamela Diamante (Trani) and Giuseppe de Mattia (Brindisi)
Lucia Veronesi
Lucia Veronesi (Mantova, 1976) lives and works in Venice. She studied painting at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts. In Venice she founded, together with other artists, a not for profit space: Spazio Punch. She is attracted by the domestic landscape, intimate and familiar, natural and urban, imbued as it is with the story of those who have been experiencing it. She has exhibited in Italy and abroad – Novate Milanese, Francavilla al Mare, Jerusalem and Sarajevo. She is part of the Board of Yellow, a research project on contemporary painting, and of the Atrii collective, also based in Milan.
Work in progress